Mestrado em Empreendedorismo e Inovação
Edinburgh, Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
1 up to 2 Semesters
Tempo integral
11 Jun 2025*
15 Sep 2025
GBP 25 800 **
No campus
* Este programa funciona com uma série de prazos de seleção; primeiro prazo: 12 de outubro de 2022; último prazo: 7 de junho de 2023
** casa: £ 16.100 - internacional, incluindo UE: £ 25.800
Com as organizações que procuram empregar indivíduos com a capacidade de identificar e aproveitar novas oportunidades, as habilidades empreendedoras e de inovação são cada vez mais procuradas. Nosso MSc prepara você para uma ampla gama de carreiras em negócios, incluindo desenvolvimento de negócios e administração de uma start-up.
Semester 1
Compulsory courses
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation in Context
- Managing Innovation in Context
Semester 2
Compulsory courses
- Management Consultancy in Practice: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Doing Research for Business
Option courses (Group 1) - Choose 1
- Design Thinking (1): History and Theory
- Digital Business: Transforming Organisations in the Digital Era
- Sustainable Knowledge-based Business
Option courses (Group 2) - Choose 1
- Design Thinking (2): Practice
- Digital Business: Competing in the Age of Platforms
- Family Business Management
- Organising for Social Change
- Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation
Dissertação / Capstone - Escolha 1
- Dissertation (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
- Business Plan Capstone
Resultado do programa
Our Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme combines theoretical and empirical perspectives with the development of practical skills and opportunities for the application of knowledge to real-life organisational issues faced by those establishing and managing innovation-driven organisations.
Knowledge and understanding
By the end of the programme, students will have knowledge and understanding of:
- Key concepts underpinning entrepreneurship and its application in the recognition and exploitation of product/ service/ process opportunities
- Key concepts underpinning innovation and the issues associated with developing and sustaining innovation within organisations
- How to design creative strategies for pursuing, exploiting and further developing new opportunities
- Issues associated with securing and managing financial resources in new and established organisations
Graduate attributes
By the end of the programme, students will be able to:
- Aplicar criticamente a teoria e a prática sobre inovação, empreendedorismo e empreendimento empresarial
- Desenvolver soluções viáveis, criativas, inovadoras e sustentáveis nas áreas da inovação e do empreendedorismo
- Respond positively and effectively to problems in unfamiliar contexts
- Apply new ideas, methods and ways of thinking
- Engage with a range of stakeholders to deliver creative and sustainable solutions to specific problems
- Communicate effectively both orally and in writing
- Trabalhe efetivamente com colegas com diversas habilidades e experiências e seja capaz de refletir criticamente sobre sua prática ao trabalhar com colegas com diversas habilidades, experiências e formas de pensar.
- Considere as questões e responsabilidades éticas e ambientais que os gerentes levam em conta ao tomar decisões.
Bolsas de estudo e financiamento
Applicants to the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation can apply for a range of scholarships both from the University and external organisations.
Programme and School scholarships
We are keen to recruit the very best talent from all over the world. To this end, several programme-based and School-funded Scholarships are available, as well as others which are generously sponsored by industry and alumni.
Other scholarships and funding
You may be eligible for scholarships from the University of Edinburgh or an external organisation.
Oportunidades de carreira
Career Development
Our MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation will help you to develop business skills that are essential in a wide range of different organisations. Our dedicated Student Development Team is here to help you become equipped to maximise your potential in the global market.
Graduate employment
O mestrado em Empreendedorismo e Inovação oferece aos alunos a oportunidade de desenvolver habilidades que podem ser aplicadas a uma variedade de organizações, a empreendimentos novos e existentes e a uma ampla gama de setores.
The programme prepares students for a range of careers including:
- Managers of innovation within existing organisations
- Policy and business development roles
- Venture founders
- Taking on more serious roles within a family-run business