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IQS – Universitat Ramon Llull Master's Degree in Industrial Business Management
IQS – Universitat Ramon Llull

Master's Degree in Industrial Business Management

Barcelona, Espanha

1 Years


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Oct 2025

EUR 13 200 / per year

No campus


Objectives and Skills

Este programa é ministrado em inglês e destina-se a titulares de uma licenciatura numa área científica e/ou técnica, que pretendam adquirir as competências necessárias para alargar a sua futura carreira profissional na área da gestão e administração de empresas. Esta é uma ótima combinação para adquirir as competências necessárias para ser um profissional completo nos setores técnico e empresarial.

Pela sua natureza profissional claramente definida, o Mestrado em Gestão Industrial tem como objetivo oferecer formação complementar a recém-licenciados com formação técnica ou científica. Para as suas futuras carreiras profissionais, este mestrado irá permitir-lhes aceder a oportunidades de emprego em administração de empresas, gestão, preferencialmente em empresas industriais.

As the Master's Degree in Industrial Management broadens students' business knowledge, it is an opportunity to apply the technical and scientific skills acquired during undergraduate studies into practice in the business world.

In today's business world, companies need employees in the following three major areas:

  • General area, for which general education is required. It includes managers who need to have a global vision of the company and its surroundings.
  • Shared services, such as finance, business, information systems, and human resources, providing services available to all the departments of the company
  • Specific areas, including tasks that require specific training and are related to specific jobs or specific departments

The Master's Degree in Industrial Management deepens students' understanding of those three areas and complements the scientific education the University graduates already possess. It provides them with the ability to design, generate and market new products, commercialize existing products or optimize production processes and improve strategies with their current employer.

Quality and Accreditations

IQS maintains a strong commitment to educational quality and has established several processes to ensure constant improvement; the Quality Commission of IQS School of Management is one such measure.

IQS é uma instituição credenciada pela AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), a primeira organização internacional de credenciamento para estudos nas áreas de negócios e contabilidade. Todos os estudos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado da IQS School of Management desfrutam deste credenciamento e reconhecimento internacional.

Accreditation by the AACSB of all the studies of the IQS School of Management


On 18 July 2011 IQS School of Management officially applied for affiliation to the AUDIT program, under the extension mode, adopting the SGIC (Internal Quality Control System) manual from IQS School of Engineering, which had been presented to the AQU (University Quality Agency) for approval in AUDIT 2009 and was accepted on 22 April 2010.

Em 13 de dezembro de 2012, a Escola de Engenharia IQS recebeu aprovação da AQU, adotando o manual SGIC da Escola de Engenharia IQS .

In November 2014, the Evaluation Committee of the Agency for the University System, AQU, made the visit to accredit the degrees of IQS School of Management for which the period had elapsed established in subsequent legislation to implementation, with a favorable outcome in the first instance, for all studies that were proving.


Objectives and Competencies

  • The Master's degree qualifies you to assume management tasks and responsibilities in any functional area of the company and to lead the creation of new companies with a scientific and technological basis.
  • The syllabus will complement your knowledge and enable you to design, generate and market new products. You will also be able to improve and optimize the commercialization and production processes and the performance strategies of the company itself.

This Master's Degree Stands out for:

  • Internships in recognized companies of the sector
  • IQS Job Bank and Professional Careers Service
  • 100% in English

The Final Master's Degree Project

The objective of the Master's Final Project is to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course to see that the program's competency objectives have been met through the development of a business plan, from the study of its profitability to its implementation.

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English Language Requirements

Certifique sua proficiência em inglês com o Duolingo English Test! O DET é um teste de inglês online conveniente, rápido e acessível, aceito por mais de 4.000 universidades (como esta) em todo o mundo.

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