Estudar Mestrado em Luxemburgo 2024
Alteração de moeda
Custo de vida mensal básico
Alugue em apartamento compartilhado
864Compartilhamento de utilitários
73Assinatura de internet
48Transporte local
Amostra de custo de estilo de vida
Combo de fast food
11Ingresso de cinema
12Litro de cerveja local
- University for Digital Technologies in Medicine & Dentistry Luxembourg
- Consortium of European Universities - EUMaster4HPC
- ESSCA School of Management
- University of Luxembourg Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine
- CASS European Institute Of Management Studies
- University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
- University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance
- Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
- BBI Luxembourg
- HEC Management School - University of Liège