Estudar Mestrado em Hong Kong 2025
Alteração de moeda
Custo de vida mensal básico
Alugue em apartamento compartilhado
1409Compartilhamento de utilitários
71Assinatura de internet
22Transporte local
Amostra de custo de estilo de vida
Combo de fast food
5Ingresso de cinema
12Litro de cerveja local
- CUHK Business School Master’s Programmes
- Department of Neuroscience, City University of Hong Kong
- College of Engineering City University of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) School of Business
- The University of Hong Kong
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
- The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Engineering
- The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Arts
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law